A Nordic framework for patient safety knowledge and skills
This report summarises the findings from a joint Nordic project with the aim of developing a Nordic framework for patient safety knowledge and skills. The report consists of two parts (1 and 2) that can be used and distributed separately.

Part 1: Development of a Nordic framework for patient safety knowledge and skills
Part 1 contains background to the project, a brief overview of the patient safety literature, a summary of best practices of patient safety education, and a review of patient safety education in the Nordics as well as reference countries. In addition, part 1 contains eight joint positions on the Nordic framework from the participating authorities in the Nordic countries.
Part 2: Competence areas for patient safety
Part 2 contains 15 competence areas for patient safety (“the framework”). For each competence area, key components and descriptions are provided.
The report can be used in all Nordic countries as a tool for planning and evaluating contents of basic and further education and training of social and healthcare professionals. It encourages sharing experience, good practices, and methods according to the goals of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The report was drafted by a project team of four patient safety experts from Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The final report was approved by a steering group of patient safety officials from all Nordic countries.


Nordic Webinar for Healthcare Providers and Educators 16th of December 2024

Report: A Nordic framework for patient safety knowledge and skills (pdf )
PowerPoint Presentation: Competence areas for patient safety